Sheikh Mansour Leghaei
Our mentor and founder.
Better known as Sheikh Mansour or even SML, he is currently residing in Iran delivering lectures all around the world through the abundant online technology available. Since 1997 he was the co-founder and Religious Director of the Imam Husain Islamic Centre located in Sydney, Australia where eHawza was launched in 2001. Sheikh Mansour is well known for his expertise in Islamic Theosophy and Mysticism of which his many courses are available. His extensive studies in the Islamic Seminary – Ph.D in Islamic Theosophy – in Qom set a solid foundation for eHawza students to capitalize on. With the wide range of Islamic subjects and topics guarantee a strong foundation in Islamic Studies and Sciences. Sheikh Mansour was born in 1962 in Abadan, Iran.
- His main teacher in the advanced studies (Bahs Kharej) in the Islamic Seminary of Qom include:
The Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi who was his main teacher in ‘Principles of Jurisprudence’ for 5 years. - The Grand Ayatollah Wahid Khorasani under whom he also studied the ‘Principles of Jurisprudence’ for 1 year.
- The Late Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Jawad Tabrizi under whom he studied ‘Jurisprudence’ for 5 years.
- His main teacher in the sciences of Hadith and Rejaal was the Grand Ayatollah Musa Shobairy Zanjani.
- Ayatollah Hasan Hasanzadeh Aamoli under whom he studied Sharhel-Esharaat for 3 years.
- Ayatollah Jawadi Aamoli under whom he studied two volumes of al-Asfar (the most advanced text in transcendental philosophy).
- Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi and Sheikh Muhammad Bahjat under whom he studied the book of al-Borhan of al-Shifa written by Avicenna.
- The Late Ayatollah Bahrol-Oloom Mirdamadi under whom he studied Sharhe Manazelu-Sa’erin in Practical Mysticism.
Sheikh Mansour was posted to Australia in February 1994. Since then, with English being his third language, he has achieved success in delivering academic lectures and courses to reach the English speaking generations of Australians. Dr Leghaei has publications on various topics and his works are available in Farsi, Arabic and English.